Thursday, November 5, 2009


     My first contributions have come in.  People actually have sent money in support of me, this endeavor, CUSO-VSO..It feels wonderful.  It feels like I cannot change it now, I must continue on my mission. These people believe in me and that I am actually going.  This is serious and I feel an enormous commitment to them and to CUSO- VSO.  This is how I felt when I volunteered to walk for 3 days to raise money for Breast Cancer, an enormous sense of devotion to the commitment.
     I haven't figured out how to link yet so here is where you can SEND A CONTRIBUTION IN MY NAME:

44, rue Eccles Street
Ottawa ON  K1R 6S4
613 829 7445  ext. 272
Toll-Free 1 888 434 2876
Fax: +1 613 829 7996

1 comment:

  1. This is a good way to read about Cuso-VSO, thru the above website.
